Climate change minister Simon Watts has ruled out supporting Green MP Julie Anne Genter’s bill exempting EVs from fringe benefit tax (FBT) for five years.
Genter’s Income Tax (Clean Transport FBT Exclusions) Amendment Bill, drawn from the parliamentary ballot, won’t be supported by National as the Green Party failed to provide costings, says Watts, Carbon News reports.
It adds that Watts says officials have been asked to do some work around FBT that may include EV settings.
Genter reckons not supporting her bill at its first reading is “extremely disappointing” as proceeding to select committee stage would allow work on policy design and costings to proceed.
Drive Electric chair Kirsten Corston has welcomed the bill, saying it could get EV sales back on track after the government scrapped the Clean Car Discount and introduced EV road user charges (RUC).